Sunday, May 16, 2010

Show Me the Money

I've heard from various people that there are monetary benefits for military spouses who are trying to earn a degree. If there is any money available for spouses, it's hidden somewhere. I've been searching for weeks in order to apply for this coming fall semester. I found an article stating that funding has been temporarily halted ( for one program. I did find a list of Education Resources for military spouses. I especially love the description of one link that states, "No funding is currently available but applications will be accepted."

When Mike was injured in 2008, social workers, the ombudsman and various people that worked at the hospital and with the Wounded Warrior Program kept mentioning that my husband's purple heart would open up education benefits, such as scholarships for me and the children. I've yet to find any information about this. I'm not the most resourceful person. I'll have to keep digging. If anyone reading this knows of any other resources or information, I'd love to know. If I start to find more information, I'll be sure to post it here so others won't have to dig for it.


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