Sunday, May 23, 2010

Moving On

Lot's Wife was a woman who was accustomed to living the good life. Her family lived in Sodom, a place that God was ready to destroy because of their wickedness. The scripture doesn't say that Lot and his family participated in the wickedness of the city but they lived within its gates and most likely grew callused to the things that occured. It just didn't bother them. This is evident when Lot tries to give his virgin daughters to a raid of men that arrived at his home to take his guests (Gen. 19:5-8). His guests were angels sent to help Lot and his family escape the city God was about to destroy (Gen. 19:1).

Lot tried to warn his son-in-laws and daughters who lived within Sodom, but they didn't listen. Even Lot and his family lingered (Gen. 19:15). They had to be led out by the men sent to warn them. After leaving, they are warned not to look back, but what does Lot's Wife do? She looks back (Gen. 19:26). The big question is why. There are many theories. One being that she looks back because she still has children in the city, possibly grandchildren. They're all being engulfed in fire and I have to say I'd have a hard time not looking back. Another theory is that she couldn't bear to leave the life of luxury she lived there. She didn't want to leave the life they had built, even though it was seen as wicked in God's eyes.

Wow, was she that wicked? I don't think so. I don't believe that looking back showed that her heart was wicked. I do believe it showed her human nature. It showed that at that moment in her life she was in shock. This was a traumatic event for her. This, of course, is my theory. This is just something God has revealed to me while I was reading through the story. I believe the story of Lot's Wife looking back is here for us to read and know that no matter what our past looks like, we shouldn't be concerned with where we have been but more concerned with where we are going. My pastor said this recently and I think it fits.

Sometimes it's hard to let go of things we experience in our pasts. We cling to them as if they define who we are. Certainly, some of our past situations change us. That is definitely true in my life. I believe God uses many of our experiences to bring us closer to Him. It's when we can't let go of the "what ifs", "if only" and "why did I do thats" when God steps in and says "Don't look back." We can't change the past and the mistakes we've made, but we can look forward and move on. We can move on with God by our sides. We can move on and not make those same mistakes again.

Are there "what ifs" and "if onlys" lingering in your life? Are they hindering your forward walk with God? I have to evaluate this myself. It's not easy. If only I would have done this sooner. See how that worked. (insert laughter) I'm doing it now and that's what I truly believe God is concerned about.


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